
Monday, July 7, 2014

Ice Cream Social

Wednesday, July 9th is the annual Littleton Fire Rescue Ice Cream Social.  All you can eat ice cream is $2.  There will also be Fire Truck displays and demonstrations, live music, face painting, and more!  This event takes place at Civic Green Park from 6pm - 9pm.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

4th of July

The Independence Day Celebration is something you won't want to miss!  It will start at 8:00am with the 5k run/walk.  The family bike and pet parade starts at 8:45am.  The community parade is 9:00am - 10:30am!  This all day celebration will be from 9am - 7pm in both town centers (north & south), and will include vendors, music, rides for the kids, hot dog eating contest, and even a pet adoption fair.  For more information and a schedule of events check out the HRCA website.  The fireworks display will be around 9:00pm ~ a great place to watch from is Civic Green Park!