Showing posts with label Foodie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foodie. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apple Pie Dumplings

Yesterday we went to Berry Patch Farms and brought home some yummy apples!  We decided to make apple dumplings, and they turned out perfect. 

For the filling:
1 apple (peeled, cored, and diced)
2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
1/2 Tbsp Vanilla
 Combine in a bowl, cover, and refrigerate while you make your dough.

For the dough there are many options, the first time I made a biscuit dough and wrapped them up.  The second batch I made whole wheat buttermilk biscuit dough and made them into empanadas.  You can also use Pillsbury dough if you don't think you will have time to make any.  

Put the filling into the dough and wrap it up.  Take a pastry brush and top your dumplings with the liquid left in the bowl.  Bake at 375 for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

These are so easy to bake, and best of all your house will smell yummy :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

School Lunches

One of LiveWell Colorado's initiatives is improving school lunches.  Most kid's would make the unhealthy choice when it comes to food they buy at school.  However LiveWell Colorado is not only encouraging parents and teachers to make the healthier option fun, but they are working to educate students so they want to make the healthier choice.  To learn more about all of the amazing things LiveWell Colorado is doing check out their website :)  LiveWell Colorado has their 3rd annual fundraising luncheon coming up on December 13th.  Click on the picture below for more information.

This year Jack is in a parent's day out program, so once a week I pack him a lunch.  I definitely try to have Jack eat as healthy as possible, but he is a typical 2 year old that if given the choice he would fill up on foods that aren't as nutritious.  I think the best thing that works for me right now is that Jack sees me eating the same healthy foods that he does.  Below is a picture of the first lunch I packed him.  I made sure to cut up everything into small pieces,  and to give him plenty of options. 

Be sure to label EVERYTHING!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Game Day Enchilada Casserole

This easy recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!
Here are all of the ingredients:

First you line the bottom of your casserole dish with corn tortillas

Sprinkle black beans, corn, and cheese on top

Add half the container of green chile 
 (for this recipe I used pork, but they also have chicken and vegetarian) 

Add another layer of tortillas, cheese, and the remaining green chile
 Put it in the oven at 375 for 25 mins


I always love making this because I know Jack will ask for seconds :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Favorite Muffin

This Friday and Saturday (July 15th & 16th) My Favorite Muffin is having a Grand Reopening!  They are going to be having some amazing deals such as buy one jumbo muffin get two free!  Also buy one sandwich get one free.  Their muffins are made with soybean oil instead of butter so they are healthier than traditional muffins, and still really yummy!  The address is 2201 W. Wildcat Reserve Parkway.  They are open on Friday 6am - 2pm & Saturday 7am - 1pm.  The new owners are Highlands Ranch residents so stop by and support our neighbors!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend!

Although the Broncos didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year (and may not for a while by the looks of things) Super Bowl Sunday is still a very fun day for all football fans! 

The HRCA has the Super Bowl 5K on Sunday, February 6th at 8:30am.  Race day registration is $40.  This is the first race in the 2011 race series.  It may be cold outside but after you have run a 5K you won't have to feel guilty for eating chicken wings while watching the game :)  For more information click here.  The race will go on rain, snow, sleet, or sun!

If you are looking for something filling and yummy for your Super Bowl party, try this recipe.  It is really easy to make and it is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

 Super Bowl Chili Recipe:
-1lb ground beef (you can sub ground turkey or buffalo)
-1 green pepper diced
-1 onion
-1 can (6oz) tomato paste
-1 can (10oz) rotel (drained)
-1 can (1lb 10oz) kidney beans (drained)
-1 can (15oz) tomato sauce
-2 Tbs chili powder
-1tsp cumin powder
-cayenne pepper to taste
Brown ground beef, add onion and pepper.  Stir in all remaining ingredients.  Simmer for 2 - 4 hours.  Enjoy!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Soup's On!

Here's an idea if you're looking for something to do with your leftover Christmas ham.  We made a delicious split pea soup, and it was so easy to make that I thought I'd share the recipe.  

1 ham bone 
1 onion 
3 carrotts
2 stalks of celery
1 bag of split peas
1/8 teaspoon marjoram
Salt and Pepper to taste

Chop veggies and combine all ingredients into a pot with 7 cups of water.  Cook on low for 5 hours.

 Remove ham bone, stir, and enjoy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Cookies

When I was a little girl I read something very scary about Santa's belly.  It said that since Santa eats cookies at everyone's house on Christmas Eve, it would only be a matter of time before his belly got too big and he wouldn't be able to fit down any chimneys!  I was so worried that I decided we'd give Santa carrots and celery instead.

Since he's still fitting down chimneys that must not be true :) We decided it'd be fun to make some delicious Christmas cookies for his visit this year!  We made yummy Almond Crescent Cookies.  They were so easy to make I thought I would share the recipe that I found on

Mix 1 cup butter, 2/3 cup sugar, 1tsp almond extract, 1tsp vanilla extract

Stir in 2.5 cups flour, and 1 cup ground almonds
Take a generous tablespoon of the dough, roll it into a ball, and then shape it into a crescent and place it on parchment paper.

Bake at 350°F for 15mins.  When you take them out, sprinkle on some powdered sugar and enjoy!