Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Activity Guide

By now you should have received your Highlands Ranch Activity Guide in the mail.  With all of the activities to choose from, there is something for everyone.  Don't put off registering, last summer we were on the waiting list for the Explorer Baby swim class and we ended up not getting in so we had to wait for the next month.  I highly recommend the Mommy and Me class, we took it when Jack was four months old, and it was so much fun!  It was so cute seeing all of the little ones interacting  - he had never been around that many babies, and he loved all the songs and games.  It was also a great way to meet other new moms!  Many people that live in the Ranch are from all over so it is always nice to make new friends and connect with others.  Have Fun!