Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Polar Express - Kidstage Performance

All Aboard!  Kidstage - (where kids perform for kids) will be performing The Polar Express!  This free event will take place at Southridge rec center on Sunday, December 15th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm.  Go to the HRCA website to print off the free tickets, or stop by one of the rec centers.

Breakfast with Santa

What could be better than Pancakes and Santa?  If you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, bring your children to have breakfast with Santa!  Saturday, December 14th is the annual event at Eastridge from 9am - 10:30am.  Pricing is $9 for kids and $11 for adults in advance, and $11 for everyone the day of (if not sold out).  Your child can do crafts, write a letter to Santa, and then hand deliver it.  Santa will be giving away a small gift to all children attending.  Be sure to bring your camera for some memorable pictures.